Security Tips & Community

Three things you should do when a burglary happens in your street

With many areas across Australia reporting a spike in burglary rates, particularly in Victoria where there has been a 13.7 per cent increase, now is an ideal time to conduct a home security assessment to ensure your security is up to scratch.

Grey hooded man looking through a house window, planning to break in

It can be worrying to hear that someone in your area has been broken into and a traumatic experience for those who are personally affected. So it comes as little surprise that research from ADT Security reveals 72 per cent of people are more likely to install a home security system when there are increased reports of crime or burglary in their area.

To help ensure your home doesn’t become a target for thieves, here are three simple actions you can take right now to help improve the safety of your home.

Add or replace your locks, doors and windows
With 46 per cent of burglaries occurring by forced entry through a window, replacing, updating or adding locks to all access points in the house – from windows to doors – can improve overall home security. If exterior doors have a hollow core, replace them with solid wood, fibreglass or steel. Secure glass sliding doors and double-hung windows by adding a bolt lock or insert a metal bar in the track to prevent opening. Remember; lock up, even if you’re at home in the backyard doing some gardening.

Be alert and get to know your neighbours
It may sound like basic action, but we are all guilty of being on auto-pilot and not paying complete attention to our surroundings. By being conscious of the normal hustle and bustle in your street, you’ll be better able to identify suspicious activity and report it to police when necessary. Get to know your neighbours and discuss any concerns you might have. Creating a collective response to community safety can help deter criminals from the area.

Consider installing monitored home security
To add a final blanket of security, consider a monitored home security system for its many benefits. New technology means you can check in remotely to view activity in and around your home, no matter where you are, via your smartphone. A monitored home security system provides peace of mind, with an ADT security professional able to notify you if your alarm is triggered. Pair this with motion sensor lighting to deter opportunistic thieves.

Our recent blog Delving into the mind of a burglar revealed that thieves will often scope out a neighbourhood and target the most vulnerable properties first. By following the above tips, your home will have a better chance of protection.


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