Home Security

3 steps to help keep your home safe this Easter

With many Australians expected to take off during the Easter school holiday period, there will be an increased number of empty homes and quieter streets to attract organised and opportunistic thieves.

family of four sitting on the front lawn smiling

Holiday-goers should think carefully about implementing a home security strategy before they leave, to better protect their home from a potential break-in.

With no-one around to deter intruders, it pays to implement a few precautions to keep belongings more secure – both inside and out.

1. Create the impression that someone is home
Friendly relationships with neighbours are particularly valuable when you leave the house for extended periods. Collecting mail, putting garbage bins out on bin night and parking in your driveway are easy ways in which neighbours can help to create the impression that someone is home. It doesn’t take much more than a knock on the door to ask for their help and the promise that you’ll return the favour when needed. Other handy tips include using timers for internal lights, hanging clothes on the washing line, suspending newspaper deliveries and lowering the ring tone on the home phone.

2. Lock up before leaving
This may seem obvious, but it is important to evaluate security measures in the lead up to a holiday. We often forget that garage doors, sheds, sliding doors and windows need to be secured just as much as the front door. Check the home to ensure all locks and alarm systems are in proper working order and that any valuable outdoor items such as barbecues and sports equipment are stored out of sight. When it comes time to leave, do a final check to make sure all access points around the property are secure and the alarm – preferably a 24/7 monitored system – is activated.

3. Use social media wisely
Don’t inadvertently put your home security in jeopardy by promoting your absence on social media. Parents should be vigilant about their children’s social media habits and take time out to discuss safe online behaviour. Tell children not to reveal holiday plans or geo-tag snaps on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram – this gives savvy thieves up-to-the-minute details on your whereabouts, and clues about when the home is likely to be vacant.

For further information and advice on how to protect your home and family, read the home safety and security tips on the ADT Security website www.adtsecurity.com.au or watch ADT’s home security video.


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